Early Adopter Program is closed! Join the waiting list.

What People Say…

- Virgo

- Virgo

Wholesaler Dallas

“I ain’t gonna lie, Agreedment made it easy to find cash buyers and close my first deal. I’m hyped for the full release, this tool is straight-up fire!”

- John

- John

Agent & Wholesaler

“Sh**, I told myself I wasn’t going to do any cold outreach without Agreedment until I knew what cash buyer were paying in my market.”

- Jasmine

- Jasmine

“I’m not a big fan of JV deals and I don’t like using Facebook to find cash buyers. With Ageedment I can easily find and contact big buyers in my market.”

-Susan & Mike

-Susan & Mike

Wholesaler Midwest

“Wholesaling and buying property in locations with smaller population has just gotten easier for us.”

- Mav

- Mav

RE Investor

“I didn’t want to go through the hassle of dealing with an Agent to offload a couple investment properties.”

- Cam

- Cam

ADU Westcoast

“Dude, posting on Craiglist and using multiple websites just to get contact info is a huge pain. Properties that don’t qualify for loans can easily be sold.”

- Jan Z.

- Jan Z.

Wholesaler Amarillo Tx

“I use to tell people that if you have a great deal, buyers will come. That doesn’t matter anymore with Agreedment.”




“There is definitely a need in the market for more cash buyers so people can close more deals”. Agreedment can solve that need.”

- Jessica

- Jessica


“The early version was cool but didn’t update every month. I’m excited for the Nationwide release.”

- Eduardo

- Eduardo

Wholesaler Central Florida

“Wholesale dispositions and finding cash buyers just became a little more simpler.”

- Imani

- Imani

Wholesaler Louisville

“I’m glad there is a solution for us small wholesalers who aren’t looking for a large real estate operation. Agreedment is really helpful.”

- Hugo

- Hugo

Wholesale Coach

“Agreedment will elevate my coaching program with its innovative and powerful product features. Can’t wait!”

- Dre

- Dre

Virtual Wholesaler

“The map is cold and a real game changer for me. Buyers aren’t serious sometimes and it’s good to easily contact another one instantly.”

- Leah H.

- Leah H.

Wholesaler Harris County

“It’s so freaking hard finding new construction and new build guys. I only deal with infill lots and land. But I closed a deal with the local version.”

- Dominic

- Dominic


“I think Agreedment could be helpful in many ways.”

- Nick

- Nick


“My very first deal came from a partner who was using Agreedment's local early version. Now, I'm ready for the Nationwide release!”

- Stacy

- Stacy


“The demo looks really cool, and I can't wait for the full release so I can close some deals.”

- Eric

- Eric


“I’m excited for the full release of Agreedment to streamline my wholesale deals.“

- Omari

- Omari


“My very first deal came from a partner who was using Agreedment's local early version. Now, I'm ready for the Nationwide release!”

- Leonardo

- Leonardo

Wholesaler & Real Estate Agent

“As a real estate investor, time is money. Agreedment saves me time and money by eliminating the need to search through county records…”

- Josh

- Josh


“Agreedment helped me connect with other investors in my market and close deals faster. Highly recommended!”


*Disclaimer some companies and individuals received a local discontinued version.

Cash Buyer Only Platform

Grow your buyers list and close more deals