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Agreedment vs InvestorLift

Choose a cost-effective platform that helps you get behind LLCs cash buyers of all sizes

Agreedment Logo

Cash Buyer investment data and real estate investor insights for wholesalers and real estate professionals.

InvestorLift Logo

Investorlift is a marketplace for off market real estate investment properties.

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$500 per month

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Loved by Wholesalers. Trusted by Businesses. Join Waiting List Today!

Reason #1


Investorlift’s Cartel Mode/Cartel Boss plan is sold out. This was the only plan that provided access to over 4.5 million buyers. The remaining plan, God Mode/Lieutenant, costs $3,000 a month and grants access to only the top 25% of all buyers. Investorlift pricing is competitive

Agreedment offers three pricing plans: Local for $159, Regional for $339, and Multi-Regional for $889. Early Adopter Access is available for all plans. Each plan provides unlimited access to cash buyers in designated locations.

Avg deal graph

Reason #2


Since InvestorLift’s Cartel Mode/Cartel Boss or Lieutenant plan is sold out, the only remaining options, such as Falcon, grants access to only 10,000 of all cash buyers on Investorlift. Consequently, the cash buyers you upload will be shared with other users on the platform.

Agreedment provides access to 100% of all active cash buyers in any market you select, regardless of size, and for any property type, from vacant land to single-family homes. You do not need to upload buyers or share them with others.

Avg deal graph

Reason #3


Investorlift facilitates convenient access to cash buyers in a given area by sending email blasts to potential buyers in that region.

Agreedment simplifies and streamlines your disposition department, expanding as your business grows. It offers CRM-like management tools, provides insights into recent cash purchases, and connects you with potential buyers through comprehensive contact information.

Avg deal graph

Reason #4


Investorlift boasts approximately 4.5 million single-family property owner buyers. However, there is a lack of clear distinctions between dates purchases as well as asset types such as vacant land, duplexes, and mobile homes.

Agreedment boasts over 1,327,609 active cash buyers with easy to access contact information including names, phone numbers and emails behind LLCs. Reach cash buyers who have purchased properties within the last two years. You can filter asset types, including multi-family properties, single-family homes, vacant land, and acres.

Coast to Coast

We focus on residential real estate investors.

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leonardo testimonial
As a real estate investor, time is money. Agreedment saves me time and money by eliminating the need to search through county records. I can’t wait for the full release!”
- Leonardo
Wholesaler & Real Estate Agent

Cash Buyer Only Platform

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